Utility Outage Processes
Utility outages fall under two main categories: Scheduled and Service Alert. Scheduled outages are for non-routine work planned in advance with Building Facilities Coordinators such as outages associated with Capital Projects. Service Alerts are notices sent to Building Facilities Coordinators for routine regulatory work like outages associated with Fire Alarm Testing or emergencies. See the process flow diagrams below of roles and responsibilities for each category.
Scheduled Outages
Submissions must be requested a minimum of two weeks in advance of the scheduled work to allow time for approvals and notification to impacted constituents. Ensure to inform Work Management of submissions immediately if the start date is within 10 business days so they can confirm the schedule with stakeholders.
Service Alerts
Submissions are made several months to a few hours in advance of mandatory work. ENGIE Plant Supervisors, ENGIE and SSC Project Coordinators and Georgetown Planning and Facilities Project Managers may submit a Service Alert for Work Management to approve and notify stakeholders of the outage that must take place immediately. Only Georgetown Utility Supervisors may create, approve and notify stakeholders without Work Management approval for preventive maintenance and regulatory inspections.

For emergency outages, the ENGIE, SSC or Planning and Facilitie Management project manager or supervisor closest in physical proximity should call Work Management Center immediately to report the issue. The calendar event may not appear before the outage is completed although communication will be sent once scheduled. Communication updates may be sent separate from the Service Alert.