Sustainable Energy Partnerships

Accelerating Achievement of Sustainability Goals

In 2021, Georgetown University joined forces with Georgetown Energy Partners providing operational services from ENGIE North America, a global leader in energy services and sustainability, as part of our ongoing work to enhance our sustainable practices on campus and advance the study of environmental issues through research, education, and action. 

Our partnerships that will help accelerate our progress toward aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, integrating sustainability across our functional areas, and making us a model for how universities and other complex organizations can enhance their sustainability efforts.

It will also advance Georgetown’s impact investing efforts, positioning the University to evaluate further investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency while continuing to divest investments in fossil fuel companies.

There are several ongoing and upcoming energy-use intensity reduction and utility modernization projects that can be viewed on the Georgetown Energy Partners website. Our upcoming Healy Lawn project partnered with ENGIE is an example of other investments into improved energy efficiency projects. Find more in the Georgetown News Story.

Sustainability & Partnership FAQ

Georgetown has already taken or is in the process of taking significant steps to support renewable energy, conservation and efficiency. These include:

  1. Establishing nearly 1 million square feet of LEED-certified buildings on campus;
  2. Entering into a 15-year renewable power purchase agreement that allows the University to source two-thirds of its electricity needs from existing solar plants; 
  3. Committing to divest from fossil fuel companies over the next 10 years; and
  4. Installing solar panels on and off campus.
  5. Partnering with ENGIE.

We are entering into a long-term partnership with ENGIE, a global leader in energy services and sustainability, under which ENGIE will assume responsibility for the enhancement, operation and upkeep of the systems that heat, cool and distribute power to the University’s Washington, DC, campuses.

Yes, ENGIE is a global operator that provides financing, design, construction management, energy procurement, utility, and operations and maintenance services to 150+ higher education and healthcare facilities in the United States.

Yes, we see exciting opportunities for an academic partnership with ENGIE, which would create opportunities for innovative research and teaching that further promotes environmental studies and equips our student body to drive forward sustainability initiatives.  

No, under the agreement, Georgetown retains ownership of its utility system as well as all improvements to it.