Georgetown University recognizes the importance of an individual’s growth and development. The University as whole is only as effective as its individual parts. It is in this spirit that the Planning & Facilities Management (PFM) department supports the efforts of its employees’ pursuit of professional development. Employees are encouraged to collaborate with their respective supervisors to develop their skills and career growth.
These pursuits are contingent on operational limits such as budgetary constraints, staffing availability, and timing. In order to facilitate an efficient process that accounts for both individual and departmental concerns, the following guidelines have been established.
Registering for Training through External Organizations
Registering for Training through the Joint Training Committee
Getting Reimbursed for Travel Expenses
Combining Personal Travel with Training Travel
Registering for University Sponsored Training (Human Resources Department or University Information Services)
1) Research and gather data.
Training opportunities are offered on campus through Human Resources (HR) and University Information Services (UIS). To view which courses and programs are available, please go to their respective websites and obtain class descriptions and availability to start the training registration process.
2) Submit the PFM Training Activity Approval Form.
Once the class preference has been determined, fill out the PFM Training Activity Approval Form completely and submit to the direct supervisor. If necessary, the supervisor would move the form along the chain of approval such as Department Director and PFM Administration.
3) Register for the class.
Once all approval signatures are obtained, the employee can sign up for the class.
HR sponsored classes: Sign up by going to their Training & Development website and clicking on Registration. Select the chosen class from the drop down menu. Confirm by clicking on the “Register [For GU Employees only]” button. You should receive an email confirmation.
UIS sponsored training: Sign up by sending an email to Include the following information per their class description chart:
- Course Title
- Online or Instrutor-Led
- Date
- Time
- Location
Generally, there is no payment required if the training is sponsored through the University. If payment information is requested, please refer to the direct supervisor.
Registering for Training through External Organziations
1) Research and gather data.
Training opportunities through external organizations are open to employees but these classes or conferences must be relevant to their job skills, responsibilities, and departmental goals.
If an opportunity such as a course or conference becomes available and it aligns with the employee’s professional development objectives, gather all of the information required on the PFM Training Activity Approval Form (for specific details, see Filling Out a Training Activity Approval Form) to demonstrate the relevance and advantages as well as projected costs.
2) Submit the PFM Training Activity Approval Form.
Once the information has been gathered, fill out the form completely and submit to the direct supervisor. Please include supporting documentation such as a conference brochure to assist the training coordinator with obtaining and verifying details if needed.
If approved, your supervisor would move the form along the chain of approval.
3) Register for class and arrange travel.
Once all approval signatures are obtained, the training form and supporting documents will be given to the training coordinator. They will arrange the registration and travel logistics for the employee. At this time, the employee will receive email correspondence about their preferences regarding travel such as flight information, shuttle requirements, and other needs.
4) Receive Confirmation.
When all registration and travel arrangements have been made, the training coordinator will send the employee and their direct supervisor all of the confirmations along with the training memo.
The training memo is a summary report of the various confirmations involved for the trip (e.g. registration number, flight information, hotel check-in and check-out dates, etc.). It also outlines the department’s training reimbursement policies. Please make sure to read through this information completely and address any questions or concerns with the training coordinator prior to leaving.
5) Submit receipts for reimbursement.
After the training is completed, the employee should submit all of their receipts to the training coordinator in Harbin 103 within five business days of return for a timely reimbursement.
The training coordinator will assess all reimbursement requests for department policy compliance. Any items that did not meet the guidelines will be explained in a separate spreadsheet provided upon assessment completion via email.
All reimbursable expenses will either be provided to the employee via petty cash or through their regular paycheck. Neither method is taxable.
*Any approved travel for training will be arranged and paid for by PFM. These costs include registration, fees, transportation, lodging, and applicable meals (please see Getting Reimbursed for Travel Expenses for further details).
**Employees are not given a per diem for travel expenses. It is the department’s expectation that reimbursement guidelines will be followed so that any accrued out-of-pocket costs will be refunded back to the employee.
Registering for Training through the Joint Training Committee
Staff in the PFM Business Office are members of the Joint Training Committee and support the training logistics required for approved requests for Planning and Facilities Management employees.
Please see the bargaining unit agreement for details about the current terms of the committee. Some items to keep in mind:
● The committee meets once monthly to review requests. See the current meeting schedule here.
● Employees wishing to request training should see the union (usually union delegates) members of the committee to obtain training request form. The delegate will assist in completion of the form and return it by the scheduled deadlines. Please see below for detail about completing the form. If the training program will interfere with the employee’s work schedule, the employee should get his or her manager’s approval before submission of the form and include details of how the work hours will be covered(if at all) for the committee’s consideration.
● The request will be reviewed at the next committee meeting and the employee will be notified of the committee’s decision by the PFM Business Office. If approved, a confirmation document will be provided with all necessary information for training completion.
● If there is a requirement for reimbursement, the PFM Business Office will have guidelines on the confirmation documents and employee is responsible for providing receipts and other documentation within two weeks of program completion.
Please see example below of a completed form:
● Make sure all fields are completed.
● Assure that estimated costs are completed. This is especially important when travel may be required as part of the training completion.
● Return the form to the union delegate. Attach supporting documents ( i.e. course detail, registration information, flyer or website including rates).

Joint Training Committee Training Activity Form (Front)

Joint Training Committee Training Activity Form (Back)
Once the Joint Training Committee has reached a decision:
- Employee will be contacted by Georgetown email and inter-campus mail of the decision.
- The employee will be supplied with the confirmation for the course registration, location, date and times.
Employee Responsibilities:
- Employee must achieve completion of the training program or wait twelve (12) months to request training again.
- Employee must provide copies of certificates received within two weeks following program completion.
Getting Reimbursed for Travel Expenses
Please read through the following guidelines thoroughly prior to the training. If any of the guidelines are not followed, the employee may forfeit part or all of their reimbursement.
Class Materials:
- Items needed during training are normally pre-paid by the training coordinator during registration. Any class materials purchased as an out-of-pocket expense requires documentation of its requirement by the training organization. It must also be approved by Department Business Officer prior to travel departure. Itemized and original receipts are required for all reimbursements.
General Items:
- Only the travel expenses accrued between point of departure and arrival will be reimbursed. The only exception will be any transportation costs previously discussed with the training coordinator such as cab fare or airport parking.
- Itemized and original receipts are required for all reimbursements. Any exceptions to this policy require the approval from Department Business Officer.
- Any expense made without a receipt requires an explanation, documentation, and may not be reimbursed.
- For timely reimbursement, travel receipts should be submitted within five working days of your return.
- Meals covered by the registration fee that the employee chooses not to take will not be reimbursed.
- Snacks and multiple meals are not reimbursable. For example, either a small lunch item or the regular lunch meal after an event will be reimbursed and not both.
- Other meals to be reimbursed should be within the following guidelines:
- Breakfast & Lunch ($10.00-$15.00); Dinner ($25.00-$30.00)
- Taxes and tip are included within stipulated reimbursement range.
- Entrees are limited to one per meal.
- Only the ITEMIZED RECEIPT for meals will be accepted, receipts with the total only will not be honored.
- Individuals will assume responsibility for any meals without itemized receipts to include meals charged to the hotel room (such as meals in hotel restaurants or room service).
- Any cab fare, parking fees, shuttle fees, or other related costs accrued but was not used towards the class or conference is not reimbursable.
- Transportation boarding passes for all legs of trip should be submitted.
- Only one baggage fee per leg of the trip will be reimbursed.
- A mileage log is required to document travel in a vehicle. (Mileage is reimbursed per the University’s current published mileage rates). NO RENTAL CARS UNLESS PRIOR APPROVALS ARE RECEIVED. Additionally, please note that per University Policy, the employee’s normal commute will be deducted from the mileage if they are not departing from or arriving back to the University.
Combining Personal Travel with Training Travel
If an employee wishes to combine a personal trip with their training travel, they may do so with the understanding that they must pay the difference in cost back to the University. The cost to pay back is outlined and acknowledged by all parties through an interdepartmental memo furnished by the training coordinator.
Upon completion of travel, the employee will either write a check to the University reflecting the final discrepancy costs or have the personal expenses paid by the University deducted from their approved travel reimbursement.
Any discretionary spending during the personal portion of the trip will not be reimbursed. Expenses accrued during the training portion is subject to the department reimbursement guidelines.
The department will only arrange and pay for travel for employees.
Pay Back Amount Calculation
The amount to pay back is calculated by the training coordinator by:
1) Obtaining quotes for all parts of travel (transportation, lodging, shuttles) for:
a) the given training dates.
b) the given training dates plus the personal time included.
2) After obtaining this information, Quote #a is subtracted from Quote #b and the resulting total is the dollar amount that is due back to the University.
Filling Out a Training Activity Approval Form
Areas highlighted below need to be filled out by the employee requesting the training. Please note that it must be filled out completely.
Projected costs should be obtained either from the training organization’s website or based on current market cost quotes. Meal costs should be approximated based on the reimbursable expenses guidelines.
Please go to the Forms section and print out the training form.

Filling Out A Mileage Log
If an employee decides to travel to their class or conference using their personal vehicle, they can fill out a mileage log to recoup their costs. Please note that gas is not reimbursable except when towards an authorized rental car use.
Please go to the Forms section and print out the mileage log and view the Mileage Reimbursement Calculation document. Below is an example of how it should be filled out (in red text).
Notice that the normal commute had been deducted from actual travel. If the point of departure and arrival is Georgetown University, then the commute deduction is unnecessary.