Georgetown Project Initiation

New: Capital Projects 101 Training for Staff and Faculty. Sessions:

  • TBD

If you have any questions, please direct them to

All projects must be pre-approved by the department’s business manager and campus CFO before initiation. Capital Projects provides assistance with the creation of the order of magnitude budgets to accompany a department’s desired scope and schedule. Once a project is defined, project administration costs are charged to each project to support project managers and contract staff.

Projects are renovations and new construction, including:

  • Deferred Maintenance
  • Capital Renewal
  • Capital Improvement
  • Renovation of existing space
  • New Construction
  • Real Estate Leases
  • New Furniture
  • New Building Signage

For general inquiries

For small projects (generally less than $50K)

For larger projects (generally larger than $50K)