2024 Energy Olympics

The Energy Olympics gave students the chance to showcase their energy-saving efforts from the comfort of their dorms. The challenge? Reduce energy use throughout October. Prizes like fun lighting and battery-powered chargers were awarded to residences that cut their electricity consumption the most. Students demonstrated their energy-saving skills, making a real impact on campus.
Hilltop West Campus Division
The Hilltop West Campus Division included Arrupe, Copley, Darnall, Harbin, Hotel, New South, Ryan & Hawkins, Village C East, Village C West, Village A, and South West Quad. These buildings compete against one another to see which could achieve the greatest reduction in electricity consumption throughout October.
Hilltop West Campus Division Final Standings:

Hilltop East Campus Division
The Hilltop East Campus Division included Alumni Square, LXR, Nevils, and the Townhouses (as a collective). These buildings competed against each other to see which could reduce their electricity consumption the most throughout October.
Hilltop East Campus Division Final Standings: