Project Showcase
Our projects are handled by in-house professionals (architects and project managers) but sometimes require the assistance of external design and construction consultants. All projects must be pre-approved by the department’s business manager and campus’ CFO prior to initiation. Project Administration provides assistance with the creation of the order of magnitude budgets to accompany a department’s desired scope and schedule. Once a project is defined, project administration costs are charged to each project to support project managers and contract staff whose salaries are soft-funded.
Main Campus Projects

1. Gaston Hall Balcony Repairs — 2020
Gaston Hall has a decorative wood ceiling, including the underside of the balcony, detailed with wood components including coffers and a tongue and groove board accent. The balconies, as designed, are supported by mortise and tenon joints at large wood bracket frames. Further, the balconies are cantilevered from the exterior stone wall on the North and the masonry wall on the South by wood girders and iron rods, and by two timber columns on the East side. The scope of this project includes repairing cracking wood and separating joints in column brackets and corbels at center timber columns supporting the balcony on the East side, adding structural steel rods and/or custom steel hardware per approved design as well as minor aesthetic and electrical work. The process will also involve the careful removal of necessary decorative millwork to access structural members to be added and/or replaced along with Reinstalling existing decorative millwork exactly as found to resemble the original.
Project Managers: Lorena Permuy and Katherine Williams
2. Village C East and West Renovations — 2020
East: This project includes deferred maintenance upgrades and common space improvements as well as a sleeping room and restroom improvements. Village C, a three-tower, 155 room residence hall approximately 80,000 SF of impacted interior residential living will have existing two-pipe cooling and heating distribution system converted to a four-pipe system. The project will provide new plumbing fixtures in residential bathrooms and new water filling stations in hallways as well.

West: This project includes deferred maintenance upgrades and common space improvements as well as a sleeping room and restroom improvements. Village C, a three-tower, 199 room residence hall approximately 100,000 SF of impacted interior residential living will have existing two-pipe cooling and heating distribution system converted to a four-pipe system. The project will provide new plumbing fixtures in residential bathrooms and new water filling stations in hallways as well.

3. Installation of Former Healy Cross — 2020
This project will install one cross that was removed from the Healy roof and move it into the garden area of the Leavey terrace. The project also includes adding several benches nearby. This is part of a fully funded gift.

Project Manager: Chris Jordan
4. Cooper Field — 2020
This project includes a new facility on the west side of Cooper Field. The new spectator stands will accommodate about 3,000 people. Above the stands, there will be a new press box with elevator access. Visiting and home team gameday locker rooms, restrooms and a small concessions area will be added under the stands, along with a storage area for field equipment. Landscaping enhancements around the facility will also be made.
As of 9/23/2020, building construction is 99% complete with some long lead finishes scheduled for the next few weeks. Site work is 90% complete with landscaping and hard scape remaining. Teams are getting ready to order furniture and equipment shortly. The target for first use is the spring 2021 semester.

5. Central Plant Expansion MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Impact Project — 2018
The scope of work and goals of the Master Utility plan are to prepare a plan for the expansion of main campus utilities in support of the Medstar Hospital Pavilion project. Medstar estimates the new facility will require 2,000 tons of chilled water cooling capacity and 40,000 lb/hr of additional steam. The study will determine which equipment to replace within the plant given limited footprint, review of utility services and returns throughout campus including chilled water, steam and condensate return, electric and domestic water, and identification of high-risk infrastructure areas. Modeling of the steam system and hydraulic analysis of the chilled water loop will be performed to determine capacity in existing infrastructure to support future loads.
Project Manager: Engie North America
6. East-West Road MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Impact Project — Started 2018
Relocation of utilities including steam, chilled water, gas, electrical, telecommunications and stormwater as needed to support increased loads for MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s new surgery pavilion. Provide a new connecting road beginning at Entrance #4 to West Road and continuing east, south of Preclinical Science to the Lombardi Circle. The new roadway will include large retaining walls between Lombardi and Shaw Field. The roadway scope will create a safe and pleasant pedestrian pathway between Lombardi Circle and the Medical Center. Lombardi Circle will be widened to accommodate the GUTS bus turnaround entering and exiting from West Road.
Medical Center Projects

1. Med-Dent Exterior Renovation – 2020
This project includes design upgrades and repairs to correct water infiltration into the building at the roof edge and walls. Work will be done in phases as funding allows. The first phase of the project will be done on the north elevation of the east side.

Off Campus

1. Townhomes

Law Center and Capitol Campus

1. Gewirz Chiller — 2020
This project will replace the Old York chiller and cooling tower.
2. Law Center E.B. Williams Library Renovations — 2018
This project is phase one of a series of projects to address space needs for the Law Center. The scope and goals of phase one are to adjust existing spaces in the Williams Library to accommodate services and the collections of former professor John Wolff, currently being housed in Hotung. The renovation will include building out offices, oversee the installation of compact shelving and shifting of collections in Hotung (Wolff) and Williams with the goal to fit all into a single building. Offices are being constructed of on Williams two and three to accommodate the staff of both libraries.
Project Manager: Brian Barger
3. 500 1st Street, McCourt Building — 2020
The newly acquired property will help the University expand its presence on Capitol Hill, bringing new opportunities to students, faculty, and staff across its campuses. 500 First Street is envisioned as a collaboration and convening space for Law Center and McCourt School of Public Policy centers and institutes. The renovation of the building will provide space for offices, classrooms, and meeting rooms; creating opportunities for collaboration on innovation policy solutions across fields including health, climate, technology, and human rights. The building will also be the home for The Capitol Applied Learning Lab (the CALL), a new signature program, offering a one semester’s downtown residence, credit-bearing internships, and unique mentoring and networking opportunities. The project involved the interior renovation of ~120,000 GSF over nine floors and was delivered in the fall of 2020.
Project Manager: Patrick Amorosa
4. 55 H Street Residence Hall — Summer 2022
The new residence hall will occupy the current Gonzaga College High School Parking Lot, approximately 1-1/2 blocks northeast of the Law Center Campus. A mix of approximately 470 undergraduate, graduate, SCS, and law students will reside in the apartments (studio, 1, 2- and 4- BRs), with residential minister, faculty in residence and a hall director. The ground floor of the Project has ample glazing onto H Street and will include approximately 4,200 square feet of university space, approximately 1,980 square feet of retail space, and building management and support space. The residence hall ties into the greater development and options for students including The Call program; offering a focus on the nation’s capital. Sustainable design elements include solar hot water, photo voltaic panels and storm water retention with controls for student engagement and experiential learning.
Project Manager: Bridget Ahmad
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

1. MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Surgical Pavilion — 2018-2022
Learn more about this project here
2. MedStar Georgetown University Hospital North Greenway — Future
The proposed plan more than doubles the existing green space, providing for open, attractive landscaping that offers the immediate community an appealing and charming setting. Surface parking will be relocated below-ground to maximize the landscaped area and improve the pedestrian experience.