
Check out some stories about the people who are making energy efficiency a reality throughout campus and how you can be more energy efficient.

Controls Supervisor Discusses 30-Year Career Ensuring Energy Efficiency for the Hilltop

Interviewing Edgardo Castro

“My greatest joy is serving the students of Georgetown University”

Click below for the full interview

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3 Ways Georgetown University Is Progressing On Our Energy Efficiency Goals

While there is still a lot to be done, we have made a fair bit of progress on our energy efficiency goals. Here’s a quick snapshot of where we are, and where we’re hoping to go.

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Director of Engineering and Utilities Believes Empowered Teams Ensure Energy-Efficient Operations

Interviewing Kevin Turner

“I like being able to sit down with my team members and talk through, the challenges on the projects that they’re having and help them figure out the best solutions to that. I think that’s always enjoyable.”

Click below for the full interview.

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Energy Vampire Devices; Where to Find Them, and How To Deal With Them

Gulping, your hands start to sweat as you slowly turn around. There, in the corner of your room…a vampire blinks at you. An energy vampire device, that is.

In the interest of saving almost 20% of your monthly electricity bill, and 4.6% of electricity-induced CO2 emissions, how can you slay these vampire devices? We’re so glad you asked.

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