Our Team

Capital Projects Provides Leadership, Knowledge, And Technical Expertise To Sustain And Support Campus Facilities. We Are Committed To Providing Outstanding Customer Service And To Safely Completing Projects On Time And Within Budget.  When Necessary We Engage The Assistance Of Architects, Engineers, And Construction Specialists.

Katherine Williams

Director of Capital Projects

Design Implementation

Contact: kw788@georgetown.edu 202-997-6627

Katherine’s Bio

Carla Tiberi

Director Landscape Architecture (ULA)

Contact: cst40@georgetown.edu 202-489-4854

Carla’s Bio

Rachel Kohli

Director of Campus Planning

Contact: rk1182@georgetown.edu 215-802-3373

Rachel’s Bio

Nico Hohman

Director of Capital Projects

Construction Implementation

Contact: nh267@georgetown.edu 202-934-6270

Nico’s Bio

Rachelle Hendrickson

Assistant Director Capital Projects

Contact: fh318@georgetown.edu 202-740-2965

Rachelle’s Bio

Allison Gosser

Assistant Director of Project Programming

Contact: ag2493@georgetown.edu 202-924-3641

Allison’s Bio

Chris Leonberg

Assistant Director Capital Projects

Contact: cl1691@georgetown.edu 202-643-0258

Chris’ Bio

Alex Berley

Senior Project Manager

Contact: adb138@georgetown.edu 571-722-6459

Alex’s Bio

Jim Duffy

Senior Project Manager

Contact: jjd76@georgetown.edu 202-497-3081

Jim’s Bio

Chris Jordan

Senior Project Manager

Contact: jordanc1@georgetown.edu 202-439-5719

Chris’ Bio

Jeff McLoughlin

Senior Project Manager

Contact: jm3562@georgetown.edu

Jeff’s Bio

Reemberto Rodriguez Jr.

Senior Project Manager

Contact: rr1288@georgetown.edu

Reemberto’s Bio

Rabia Shinaishin

Accessibility Program Manager

Contact: jm3562@georgetown.edu

Rabia’s Bio

Tensae Woldesellasie

Project Manager

Contact: tw808@georgetown.edu

Tensae’s Bio

Bret Bartlett

Project Manager

Contact: bb1279@georgetown.edu

Bret’s Bio

Julia Damski

Assistant Project Manager

Contact: jsd106@georgetown.edu

Julia’s Bio

Nikhitha Arnipalli

Assistant Project Manager

Contact: na1019@georgetown.edu

Nikhitha’s Bio

John Ring

Assistant Project Manager

Contact: jr2151@georgetown.edu

John’s Bio

Hamid Dornajafi

Assistant Project Manager

Contact: hd394@georgetown.edu

Hamid’s Bio

Joanna Groberg


Contact: faganj@georgetown.edu 202-207-8573

Joanna’s Bio

Sheila Hooks-Thompson


Contact: thompss1@georgetown.edu 202-489-4854

Sheila’s Bio

Vivian Zhu

Data Management Analyst

Contact: vz48@georgetown.edu 202-687-7345

Vivian’s Bio